Our first Halloween activity turned out to be a visit to Chuck E Cheese! We were all set to go (everyone in the car, except me), when all the kids came running back in the house shouting that they needed costumes on to get free tickets! We scrambled around quickly and came up with this. Worth 100 free tickets? Maybe :-)
The day before Halloween we finally found some time to carve pumpkins. The big kids all designed their own faces for their pumpkins and helped carve. Gavin touched some gooey stuff, but overall wasn't impressed with the whole experience. He did have some fun playing with his own tiny pumpkin afterwards. He even colored on it a little bit with washable marker.

Sunday was Trunk or Treat night at Trinity. It was a great evening with kids, fun, and fellowship. This time Gavin was a lion (too bad we didn't have a bear costume that fit him...)
Another great year, and the kids had lots and lots of fun. Now on to focusing on one of my favorite holidays...Thanksgiving!