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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Gavin David - The Newest Part of our Family!

Gavin is over 2 weeks old now, so I'd say it's about time we introduce him here on the family blog.  He was born on March 12th, at 8:34 PM.  He weighed in at a whopping 6 lbs 3 oz, and measured 19 1/8".  

We were so blessed with the timing of his delivery.  I had just finished a day of teaching (I was actually still at school), and Duane had just arrived home from work.  As I was packing up to go home, my water broke!  Thanks to my wonderful friends Lindsay and Katie, I was soon on my way to the hospital with Jonas.  My mom and Lisa met us there, and dad came to pick up Jonas and take him for the night.  Duane arrived shortly after I was taken to a room, and only a couple of hours after that, Gavin was here!  Less than 4 hours from start to finish, so I certainly can't complain about the labor and delivery.  Gavin was kind to me :-)

Hanging out with Jonas in the lobby until Papa arrived (no kids under 14 were allowed on the patient floors)

Woo hoo, Duane's here!

Gavin's blood sugar levels were low, so we had to supplement with formula a couple times before he got them back up.  

Aunt Lisa and Grandma stayed for the delivery, and not being one to miss out on anything, Uncle Mike showed up soon after to meet his new little nephew :-)

We had lots of visitors the next day.  Gavin met his Papa, Aunt Mary, Uncle Matt, Grandma and Grandpa Gabel, Aunt Deanne, Cousin Austin, Mrs. C, and Pastor Krueger.  Whew!  What a busy day!  We sure are blessed to have so many awesome friends and family.

After getting poked in the foot what seemed like a zillion times to make sure his blood sugar levels were up, we were cleared to go home.  We dressed Gavin up in his outfit and he had his first car ride (which he slept through, of course!)

He has been a pretty mellow and calm baby so far, and we absolutely love him!  Thank you, God, for this gift to our family!